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1.- 次欧洲联盟28个国家。奥地利,比利时,保加利亚,克罗地亚,塞浦路斯共和国,捷克共和国,丹麦,爱沙尼亚,芬兰,法国,德国,希腊,匈牙利,爱尔兰,意大利,拉脱维亚,立陶宛,卢森堡,马耳他,荷兰,波兰,葡萄牙,罗马尼亚,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亚,西班牙,瑞典和英国。城市,如伦敦,巴黎,马德里,米兰,鹿特丹,布鲁塞尔,柏林,慕尼黑,罗马,雅典,布加勒斯特... ..

2.- 美国等10余个重点城市在世界上,纽约,芝加哥,洛杉矶,华盛顿,休斯顿,费城,菲尼克斯,达拉斯,亚特兰大,波士顿......。

3.- 结论,欧盟 - 美国,涉及到100多个,有趣的,双边的贸易关系,城市间

纽约 - 巴黎

芝加哥 - 伦敦

迈阿密 - 马德里... ..




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欧盟 - 东盟








(Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement,TAFTA),是歐盟與美國(以2014年12月初為準)正在談判中的自由貿易條約

the thorniest TTIP issue is investor protection.

The big opposition to commercial arbitration panels, called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). has been included in trade deals for decades, usually to reassure companies who invest in countries where the legal system can be biased against foreigners.

example of how this arbitration system can be used by corporations in a worrying way is that of tobacco giant Philip Morris, which has taken a case against the Australian government in order to stop new laws designed to curb smoking in the interests of public health.

a powerful corporation could have a "chilling" effect on national legislators as they try to regulate public services, such as healthcare and transport.

should TTIP "trust the courts of the EU and of the member states and of the United States to provide effective legal protection".

protesters fear that such a deal could fuel a "race to the bottom", watering down hard-won EU standards in areas like food safety and workers' rights.

"in a transparent manner by publicly appointed, independent professional judges in public hearings".

nobody can be sure exactly what changes a TTIP deal could bring about or precisely how much additional economic activity would be generated by a lowering of barriers to doing business.

Nor did he deny that the lowering of barriers sometimes leads to winners and losers (even if there are net gains overall).

But trade deals, as with most of life's enterprises, come with upsides and downsides, risks and rewards.

TTIP will not transform Europe or the US one way or the other.

But it is highly likely to be beneficial. It is very unlikely to be damaging.

The deal should be done.



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